Топик University Education. Топик на английском языке с переводом — «Mой университет Описание института на английском языке

Редкие невестки могут похвастаться, что у них ровные и дружеские отношения со свекровью. Обычно случается с точностью до наоборот

There are 44 universities (not counting the Open University) in Britain. Although the Goverment is responsible for providing about 80 per cent of universities income it does not control their work or teaching nor does it have direct dealings with the universities.The grants are distributed by the Secretary of State for Education and Science.

The English universities are: Aston (Birmingham), Bath, Birmingham, Bradford Bristol, Brunel (London), Cambridge, City (London), Durham, East Anglia ,Essex, Exeter, Hull, Keele, Kent at Centerbury, Lancaster, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, London, Manchester, Newcastle upon Tyne, Nottingham, Oxford, Reading, Saford, Sheffield, Southhampton, Surrey, Sussex, Warwick and York. The federated University of Wales includes five university colleges, the Welsh National School of Medicine, and the University of Wales Institute of Science and Technology.The Scottish universities are: Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh, Belfast, Glasgow, Heriot-Watt (Edinburgh), St. Andrews, Stirling, and Strathclyde (Glasgow).In Northen Ireland there is Queen"s University, Belfast, and the New University of Ulster in Coleraine.

The Universities of Oxford and Cambridge date from the twelfth and thirteenth centuries and the Scottish Universities of St. Andrews, Glasgow, Aberdeen and Edinburgh from the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. All the other universities were founded in the nineteenth or twentieth centuries.

There are five other institutions where the work is of university standard: the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology ; the two post- graduate business school which are supported jointly by industry and the Government - the Manchester Business School and the London Graduate School of Business Studies, associated with the London School of Economics and the Imperial College of Science and Technology ; Cranfield Institute of Technology for mainly post- graduate work in aeronautics and other subjects ; and the Royal College of Art.

My coming to Cambridge has been an unusual experience. From whatever country one comes as a student one cannot escape the influence of the Cambridge traditions - and they go back so far! Here, perhaps, more than anywhere else, I have felt at one and the same time the Past, the Present and even the Future. It"s easy to see both how the past has moulded the present and how the present is giving shape to the future. So let me tell you a little of what this University town looks like and how it came to be here at all. The story of the University begins, so far as I know, in 1209 when several hundred students and scholars arrived in the little town of Cambridge after having walked 60 miles from Oxford. As was the custom then, they had joined themselves into a "Universitas" of Society - the word "University", like the word "College", meant originally a society of people with a common employment ; it was only later it came to be associated with scholarship.

These students were all churchmen and had been studying in Oxford at that city"s well-known schools. It was a hard life at Oxford for there was constant trouble between the townsfolk and the students. Then one day a student accidentally killed a man of the town. The Mayor arrested three other students, who were innocent, and by order of King John (who was quarrelling with the Church and knew that the death of three clergymen would annoy it) they were put to death by hanging. In protest, all the students moved elsewhere, some coming to Cambridge; and so the new University began.

There took place a new quarrel with the townsfolk, for the University was anxious to be independent of the Town, and the Town was equally anxious for authority over the new student population. "Town" and "Gown" battles were frequent.

The boarding-houses and shopkeepers cheated the students, who very soon organized themselves under an elected leader called a Chancellor, and he fixed prices that should be paid. Gradually the University gained control.

Side by side with the fight for freedom from Town rule was another for liberty from Church rule, until by 1500 the University was its own master at last. Of course there were no Colleges in those early days and student life was very different from what it is now. Students were of all ages and came from every - where. Those from the same part of the country tended to group together and these groups called "Nations" still exist, by the way, at some European Univer- sities.

The students were armed; some even banded together to rob the people of the countryside. Gradually, the idea of the College developed and in 1284 Peterhouse the oldest College in Cambridge, was founded.

Life in College was strict ; students were forbidden to play games, to sing (except sacred music), to hunt or fish or even to dance.

My University

I think everybody knows that education is necessary to be successful in our life. I would like to work in the field of physical culture and sports in future and to become a professional sportsman and a basketball coach. To get my profession I need a university graduation. So after finishing school I passed the entrance exams and entered Chuvash State Pedagogical University, the faculty of physical education. It will be a long course – five years of hard and constant studies: lectures, seminars, practical classes and test periods. The academic year lasts for 10 months and there are vacations twice a year: in winter and summer. I feel proud of my faculty as among its graduates are the winners of many Olympic games and the world champions.

The University is very old, it was founded in 1930 in the centre of the capital of Chuvash Republic – Cheboksary city. It was named for the talented Chuvash teacher Ivan Yakovlev. The establishment has developed rapidly since then, now it has become one of the largest universities of Russia. Today it gives students an opportunity to choose higher and post-graduate educational programs for 42 professions. The education is provided by qualified specialists, professors and doctors. There are 12 full-time faculties at the University which enroll more than 6000 students. There are the faculties of Music and Art, Foreign languages, Psychology, Science, History and Philology, Pre-school education and many others. The University includes 6 academic buildings with spacious classrooms, a modern library, a reading-room, well-equipped laboratories and workshops, computer rooms, gymnasiums and dining-rooms.

I’m sure that studying at Chuvash State Pedagogical University will give me much knowledge, in theory and practice, and prepare me for effective and interesting work.

Думаю, все знают, что образование необходимо для того, чтобы быть успешным в жизни. Я бы хотел работать в сфере физкультуры и спорта в будущем и стать профессиональным спортсменом и тренером по баскетболу. Для получения профессии мне нужно окончить университет. Поэтому после окончания школы я сдал вступительные экзамены и поступил в Чувашский Государственный Педагогический Университет, на факультет физического образования. Это будет длинный курс – пять лет усердной и постоянной учебы: лекций, семинаров, практических занятий и зачетных сессий. Академический год длится 10 месяцев, и дважды в году есть каникулы: зимой и летом. Я чувствую гордость за свой факультет, так как среди его выпускников есть победители многих Олимпийских игр и мировые чемпионы.

Университет очень старый, он был основан в 1930 году в центре столицы Чувашской республики – города Чебоксары. Он был назван в честь талантливого чувашского учителя Ивана Яковлева. Учреждение быстро развивалось с тех пор, сейчас оно стало одним из крупнейших университетов России. Сегодня оно предоставляет студентам возможность выбрать высшие и послевузовские образовательные программы по 42 профессиям. Образование дают квалифицированные специалисты, профессора и доктора. В университете имеется 12 очных факультетов, на которые зачислено более 6000 студентов. Есть факультеты музыки и искусства, иностранных языков, психологии, науки, истории и филологии, дошкольного образования и многие другие. Университет состоит из 6 академических зданий с просторными классами, современной библиотекой, читальным залом, оборудованными лабораториями и мастерскими, компьютерными залами, спортзалами и столовыми.

Я уверен, что обучение в ЧГПУ даст мне много знаний, в теории и практике, и подготовит меня к эффективной и интересной работе.

Moscow State University is the oldest and one of the most prestigious Russian institutions of higher education. It was established in 1755. So on 25 th of January (St. Tatiana"s Day) 2015 Lomonosov Moscow State University celebrated its 260 th anniversary . In 1940 it was named after the outstanding Russian scientist Mikhail Lomonosov (1711 - 1765).

Nowadays Moscow State University is a major traditional educational institution in Russia. It offers training in almost all branches of modern science and humanities. Its undergraduates may choose one of 128 qualifications. Post-graduate students may specialize in 18 branches and in 168 different areas. The total number of MSU students is more than forty thousand.

A number of faculties offer four-year Bachelor’s and two-year Master’s degree programs, together with traditional 5-year Specialist degree programs. All the faculties provide the full-time study. Post-graduate studies can be either full-time or part-time . The applicants are enrolled according to the results of entrance examinations (interviews and tests).

Besides its 39 faculties, Moscow University comprises 15 research institutes, 4 museums, the Science Park , the Botanical Gardens, The Library, the University Publishing House, a recreational centre and a boarding school for talented children.

MSU is a centre of research famous for its scientific schools. There have been 11 Nobel Prize winners among its professors and alumni. MSU graduates work in institutes of higher learning, research institutes, in industry, governmental agencies, public organizations and private companies.

Moscow University campus is an extremely complex system, with its 1,000 buildings and structures and 8 halls of residence. Accommodation in MSU halls of residence is provided for those students who are not residents of Moscow.

anniversary [ˌænɪˈvɜːs(ə)rɪ] – юбилей

outstanding – выдающийся, знаменитый

Branch – отрасль, раздел (науки)

enroll [ɪnˈrəʊl] – зд. зачислять в вуз

Science Park – научный парк,технопарк(обычно при университетах)

recreational centre – зд. профилакторий

boarding school [ˈbɔːdɪŋˌskuːl] – школа-интернат

campus [ˈkæmpəs] – университетский городок, территория университета

accommodation – жилье, место (для временного или постоянного проживания)

Read the text “Our University” and use it as a model for your own topic.

Text e. Our Institute

The Pedagogical Institute is one of the largest and oldest institutions of higher education in Vologda Oblast. In 2008 it celebrated its 90 th anniversary. In 2014 the Pedagogical Institute became a structural educational unit of Vologda State University.

Our Institute has eight faculties which train teachers and specialists in different subjects: Primary Education, Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, History, Management, Social Science, Law, Russian Language and Literature, Foreign Languages, Physical Education, Music, Psychology, Social Pedagogy and others.

About seven thousand students are currently enrolled. The majority of them are full-time students, the rest are part-time and correspondent student s. Besides, some faculties provide post-graduate education. The course of study for full-time students lasts five years for specialists and four or five years for Bachelors. You have to study another two years to be awarded a Master’s degree.

If you are a rather active person you can take part / participate in the work of our Students’ Council and improve the students’ social life. For those who go in for sports there are a lot of sports societies. You can also display your talents and take part in different concerts and contests.

Our Institute has six buildings. The faculty of Russian Language and Literature is situated in Prospekt Pobedy Street. There is a library, two reading-rooms, several computer centers, lecture halls, laboratories and gyms at our Institute. The students and teachers of our Institute usually have dinner at the refectory which is also located in our building. The food there is rather tasty and affordable (cheap). Besides, there are several cafes and food-stalls in other buildings. You can also buy all sorts of drinks and snacks in the drinks machine on the ground floor of every building.

The Institute provides halls of residence for students who are not from Vologda and can’t rent a room or a flat.

Moscow State University

The best known university of Russia is the Moscow State University. It was founded in 1755 on the initiative of the prominent Russian scientist Mikhailo Lomonosov. The university has got a high reputation of the world"s scientific centres. Among its students were famous Russian scientists, historians, philosophers and others.
There are about twenty faculties at the University. The University Library is one of the leading libraries in the country and in the world. It contains millions of books and manuscripts. There is a number of graduate schools at Moscow State University. Every year thousands of students from different countries enter the famous Russian university. They study physics, mathematics, economy, law and many other sciences.
The laboratories and observatories of the Moscow State University have got the world"s fame. There are also several Research Centres.
The main building of the University is situated on Sparrow Hills. In 1920 the Sparrow Hills were given Lenin"s name. After World War II the building site was offered to the Moscow University. It had only one building on Mohovaya Street at that time and could not house all its faculties. The new building was designed by Lev Rudnev, an outstanding Soviet architecture.

Московский государственный университет

Самый известный университет в России - это Московский государственный университет. Он был основан в 1755 г. по инициативе великого русского ученого Михайло Ломоносова. Университет заслужил высокую репутацию мирового научного центра. Среди его студентов были знаменитые русские ученые, историки, философы и т. д.
Университет насчитывает около 20 факультетов. Университетская библиотека - одна из крупнейших в стране и в мире. В ней находятся миллионы книг и манускриптов. При Московском государственном университете существует несколько аспирантур.
Каждый год тысячи студентов из разных стран поступают в знаменитый российский университет. Они изучают физику, математику, экономику, правоведение и многие другие науки.
Лаборатории и обсерватории Московского государственного университета снискали мировую известность. Также на его базе работает несколько научно-исследовательских центров.
Основное здание университета расположено на Воробьевых горах. В 1920 г. Воробьевы горы получили имя Ленина.
После Второй Мировой войны место для строительства было предложено Московскому университету, в его распоряжении было всего одно здание на Моховой, которое не вмещало все факультеты. Новое здание было спроектировано Львом Рудневым, выдающимся советским архитектором.


1. What Russian university is the best known one?
2. When was it founded?
3. On whose initiative was it founded?
4. Who were its students?
5. How many faculties has it got?
6. What does its library contain?
7. Are there any graduate schools at the Moscow State University?
8. Who enters Russian universities?
9. What do they study?
10. Where is the main building of the Moscow State University situated?
11. When was the building site on Sparrow Hills offered to the Moscow University?
12. How many buildings had the University got at that time?
13. Where was the University situated?
14. Why was it necessary to build a new building?
15. By whom was the new building designed?


on the initiative of по инициативе кого-л.
graduate school аспирантура
to offer предлагать
to house вмещать, содержать в себе

Сочинение на английском языке Мой университет/ My University с переводом на русский язык бесплатно

На английском языке. My University
My name is Alexey Ushakov. I’m 18 years old. I would like to say some words about my university. I live and study in Krasnodar. It is a large city in the southern Russia. It is located on the Kuban River and is the administrative center of Krasnodar region. There are many universities and colleges in Krasnodar and the city is full of students. However, I chose to study in one of the biggest universities in the city, the Kuban State University. My branch is philology and I’m going to become a teacher of foreign languages. KubSU was founded in September 1920. Since then it has trained over 100,000 specialists, including a large number of foreign students. In 1994 KubSU was ranked by the Russian government as one of the leading institutions of higher education in the country. I am currently a student of this university and I’m proud of it. I know that many teenagers dream of studying here but the entrance exams are not easy. I had to study hard to become a student of this university. At the moment, I’m also a member of Student Union Committee and I take active part in everyday student life. Our Committee is responsible for the improvement of student facilities, coordinating such student events as concerts, sport events, fund-raising activities, volunteer work, etc. KubSU is also a member of the European and Eurasian University Associations. That’s why we often have international conferences held at the university. There are also frequent international programs based on educational exchange. Last year, for example, I had a chance to go to England as a member of such exchange but I still had a couple of exams to pass. So, I decided to postpone this opportunity. I hope I can participate in this program next year.

Перевод на русский язык. Мой университет
Меня зовут Алексей Ушаков. Мне 18 лет. Я хотел бы сказать несколько слов о своем университете. Я живу и учусь в Краснодаре. Это большой город на юге России. Он расположен на реке Кубань и является административным центром Краснодарского края. В Краснодаре есть много университетов и колледжей и город полон студентов. Тем не менее, я решил учиться в одном из крупнейших университетов города, Кубанском государственном университете. Моя отрасль филология и я собираюсь стать учителем иностранных языков. КубГУ был создан в сентябре 1920 года. С тех пор он подготовил более 100 тысяч специалистов, в том числе и большое количество иностранных студентов. В 1994 году КубГУ был награжден правительством России как одно из ведущих высших учебных заведений в стране. В настоящее время я студент этого университета, и горжусь этим. Я знаю, что многие подростки мечтают обучаться здесь, но вступительные экзамены не из легких. Я усиленно учился, чтобы стать студентом этого университета. На данный момент, я также являюсь членом Комитета студенческого союза и принимаю активное участие в повседневной студенческой жизни. Наш комитет отвечает за улучшение условий для студентов, за координацию таких студенческих мероприятий, как концерты, спортивные мероприятия, мероприятия по сбору средств, волонтерская работа и т.д. КубГУ также является членом Европейской и Евразийской ассоциаций университетов. Вот почему у нас в университете часто проходят международные конференции. Существуют также частые международные программы, основанные на образовательном обмене. В прошлом году, например, у меня была возможность поехать в Англию в качестве участника такого обмена, но мне нужно было сдать ещё несколько экзаменов. Поэтому я решил отложить эту возможность. Надеюсь, что я смогу участвовать в этой программе в следующем году.

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