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Редкие невестки могут похвастаться, что у них ровные и дружеские отношения со свекровью. Обычно случается с точностью до наоборот


Составила: преподаватель английского языка Воронина М.В.

Глагол to be в настоящем времени

Глагол be в настоящем времени имеет 3 формы: am , is , are . В русском языке эти формы имеют значение «быть», «существовать», «иметь место» , которая часто опускается.

Barsik is a cat.

He is at college.

My friend is funny.

Но английское предложение без глагола существовать не может. Глагол be называют глаголом-связкой , потому что никакого действия он не выражает, его задача – «связать» слова в предложение. Англичанин сказал бы так:

«Мой друг есть в колледже», «Она есть студентка»,

«Карандаш есть зелёный» и т. д.

I am a boy.

I am a student.

I am from Russia.

1-е лицо,

единственное число

3-е лицо,

единственное число

She is a girl.

He is a student.

It is a cat.

множественное число

We are friends.

You are my friend.

They are friends.

Negative sentences with TO BE

He is not (isn’t) a stupid boy.

She is not (isn’t) a lazy girl.

It is not (isn’t) a funny dog.

You are not (aren’t) my brother.

We are not (aren’t) at school.

They are not (aren’t) from the USA.

I am not (I’m not) a student of the university.

General questions with TO BE

He is a joyful boy.

She is a serious girl.

It is a funny dog.

You are my brother.

We are at college.

They are from Varnavino.

I am a student of the college.

Am I a student of the college?

Yes, I am./ No, I am not.

Is he a joyful boy?

Yes, he is./ No, he is not.

Is she a serious girl?

Yes, she is./ No, she is not.

Is it a funny dog?

Yes, it is./ No, it is not.

Are you my brother?

Yes, I am./ No, I am not.

Are we at college?

Yes, we are./ No, we are not.

Are they from Varnavino?

Yes, they are./ No, they are not.

General questions

Is she a doll?

Am I a student?

Are you frogs?

Is she a cook?

Is it a cat?

Are they tulips?

Are we pupils?

Are you a pig?

Special questions with TO BE

What is your name? My name is Alex.

How old are you? I’m fifteen (years old).

How old is she? She is sixteen (years old).

Where are you from? I’m from Russia.

Where is she from? She is from England.

How are you? I’m fine.

What are you? I’m a student.

What is she? She is a teacher.


to be в Present

to be в Past

to be в Future

It (оно, это)

will be a student

will be a student

will be a student

will be a student

will be students

will be a student

will be students

Задание 1. Распределите слова.

sister, you, I, boys, they, cat, student, we, house, family, teachers

Задание 2. Вставьте глагол to be в нужной форме.

1. I _____ a girl.

2. My father_____ at work.

3. Alex and Dan _____ my friends.

4. Alex _____ in the garden.

5. Dino _____ on the floor.

6. My red pencil _____ on the floor, too.

7. The other pencils _____ in my pencil case.

8. My mother _____ in the living room.

9. Barsik and Pusha _____ my cats.

10. They _____ good at tennis.

Задание 3. Вставьте нужную форму глагола to be и дайте сокращённую форму с отрицанием

Образец: Ann is not American. - Ann isn’t American .

1. He … not a baby.

2. My aunt … not from Moscow.

3. The boys … not big.

4. Our cousins … not English.

5. They … not sisters.

6. I … not a pupil.

7. You … not a doctor.

8. She … not bad.

9. We …. not 17.

Задание 4. Исправьте предложения, где необходимо и переведите их.

1. Snowy am little.

2. I is at home.

3. We are pupils.

4. My mother is kind.

6. Are you at school?

Задание 5. Составьте общие вопросы к предложениям.

1. Her name is Pam.

2. Our friends are sportsmen.

3. Nick and Mike are brothers.

4. My mother is at work.

5. You are a baby.

6. The kittens are small.

7. He is a good friend.

8. Jill is eight.

9. My sisters are pupils.

10. I am a teacher.

Задание 6. Составьте предложения.

1. a worker, his father, is.

2. an elephant, is, it.

3. Phill and Bill, from, are, New York?

4. She, not, a pupil, is

5. Mother, our, a teacher, is.

6. Jack and Kate, are, doctors, not.

7. Am, a driver, I.

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Подписи к слайдам:

Глагол to be 5 class Created by Ludmila Kostousova

Формы глагола to be (наст. время) to be am - I is – he, she, it are – we, you, they

Песня I – am You – are He – is She – is It – is We – are You – are They – are That’s all

Fill in the gaps: What ___ your name? Where ____ you from? ____ she new? He ___ from Russia. It ___ nice. I ___ fine, thanks. They ___ strong. We ____ friends.

Вопросы с глаголом to be She is from England. Is she from England? Where is she from? They are students. Are they students? What are they? I am in the room. Am I in the room? Where am I?

Ask questions: My name’s Tom. She’s ten. He’s in class 5. They’re from Italy. My phone number’s 89027465619. My number one music hit is “Sorry”. We’re friends.

Отрицательные предложения с глаголом to be I am a doctor. I am not a doctor. She is in class 5. She is not in class 5. We are friends. We are not friends.

Make sentences negative: I’m in class 6. She’s new. They’re from Germany. His name’s Max. My dog’s big. They’re strong. I’m from England.

Fill in the gaps: My name ___ Jane. I ___ fourteen. This ___ Sally and that ___ Linda. They ___ my friends. This ___ Rex. He ___ my pet dog.

Ask eight questions: Her name is Helen. She is eleven. She is beautiful. This is her pet dog. The dog’s name is Max. Max is nine. He is big. Max is a clever dog.

Make the sentences negative: Covax is clever. They’re from Japan. She’s new. His name’s Bob. We’re doctors. You’re strong. It’s big.

Fill in the gaps: What is your name? Where are you from? Is she new? He is from Russia. It is nice. I am fine, thanks. They are strong. We are friends.

Ask questions: Is your name Tom? Is she ten? Is he in class 5? Are they from Italy? Is your phone number 89027465619? Is your number one music hit “Sorry”? Are you friends?

Make sentences negative: I’ m not in class 6. She is not new. They are not from Germany. His name is not Max. My dog is not big. They are not strong. I’ m not from England.

Fill in the gaps: My name is Jane. I am fourteen. This is Sally and that is Linda. They are my friends. This is Rex. He is my pet dog.

Ask eight questions: Is her name Helen? Is she eleven? Is she beautiful? Is this her pet dog? Is the dog’s name Max? Is Max nine? Is he big? Is Max a clever dog?

Make the sentences negative: Covax is not clever. They are not from Japan. She is not new. His name is not Bob. We are not doctors. You are not strong. It is not big.

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